Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The Chinese Opportunity

The way most western people perceive China could be very, very misleading. This video by McKinsey & Company stresses the importance of rethinking our view on China. In line with the incredible growing speed of social media in China, the Chinese consumer emerges.

I can't wait to see this country, hopefully I will be there next year

Monday, May 21, 2012

The Key to Great Leadership: Boringness?

What makes a leader great? Are there common traits great leaders share, and if so what are these traits?
The article below approaches the leadership and personality topic from an unusual way.

Although the idea sounds reasonable, I wouldn't rely on boringness being a plus in your next interview...

Boringness: The Secret to Great Leadership - Joel Stein - Harvard Business Review

Sunday, May 20, 2012

The Perils of Social Coupon Campaigns

Have you ever wondered if these whole Social Coupon idea works? Not only for the customer but for the other end of the transaction as well?

This MIT Sloan Management Review article helped me to deepen my knowledge about the subject quite a bit.


The Perils of Social Coupon Campaigns