VT Application Process

The process for applying to Virginia Tech is a little bit more demanding than the USI application.
Mainly as a result of applying to a big, well-known US-University and due to the Visa process.

First and before everything else, prepare for your GMAT or GRE. I will not extensively cover this part of the application here, since there are great resources available online. Although I ended up not needing my GMAT for the application - believe me you will need it, it was a different time back then :) - I did prepare for a GMAT including doing several mock-up test. The resources I found the most helpful were the online video tutorials available on YouTube, the Princeton Review books and two great iPad Apps called GMAT Club & GMAT ToolKit. I spent about 1 - 3 hours a day preparing for 2 months, unfortunately I quit right after I was informed that the GMAT wouldn't be needed for my application.

Just let my say two things about this test. First, make sure you have up-to-date study material, the GMAT changed quite a bit since 2011. Look for 2012 material only due to the new Integrated Reasoning section (if you liked statistics you will love this section!). Second, the one thing the GMAT measures the most accurately is your level of preparation. Don't be a fool and rely on your natural intelligence - there are thousands out there, who are intelligent as well - rely on your motivation and ability to learn the concepts.

The further application process for VT includes a bunch of documents and letters you will need.
The list below should cover everything but make sure you double-check it, since application procedures can change from time to time.

  1. You will have to fill out the online application
  2. Virginia Tech will need official, english transcripts of all your academic degree
  3.  Recommendation letters from at least two different sources - using the VT letter form is strongly   adivsed
  4. The test scores 
    • GRE or GMAT - GMAT being the standard for the Business School. The scores must be sent directly to the Graduate School (Institution Code: 5859)
    • TOEFL - Just alike the GMAT, send it directly from the test center to the Grad School (Institution Code: 5859)

Once VT got all these information about you they will decide - together with the faculty at USI - about your application.

If you are accepted - the rate is about 40 - 50% of all the USI students - you will have to obtain your student visa. Make sure you plan ahead, since the visa process can take up to 3 months.

I strongly recommend, to call the US embassy as soon as you have the I-20 (a proof of your enrollment at VT and that you met the financial requirements). You will find the instruction about the visa process on the homepage of the US embassy.

After you have your visa, make sure you meet the vaccination requirements and the health insurance requirements at Virginia Tech (you can waive the VT health insurance, if you have a proper insurance that covers the needs).

After having all of this together, you can plan ahead for your arrival in Blacksburg, VA. You are expected to be there a week before class starts in order to settle down, meet your study advisor and have a check up at Schiffer Health Center.

Another enormously valuable resource was craigslist.org - like this I found a place to live (off-campus), a printer and some furniture if you need it.

I hope you found the information helpful and feel free to contact me about any uncertainties.

Enjoy your stay at Virginia Tech and GO HOKIES!

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